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Welcome to the USA Sangha Council

Ordination Certificate from Taiwan
An example of certification body for Dharmagupta lineage
Countries holding this lineage: China, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan all with national Sangha bodies

US Sangha Council will serve as advisers to resident Sangha in the USA, creating awareness of Sangha in the USA, concerned with retention, community outreach, and reducing language barriers or access to English speaking Sangha..

This council will serve the interests of all the residing Sangha in the USA only. It will not serve as ordaining body for those seeking to leave home and join the Sangha.

USASC carries on Buddha's mandate in the Sangha role of protector, preservation and propagation of Buddha dharma including the Vinaya tradition that was founded in the USA ... the Dharmagupta lineage by the Chinese Sangha, also carried on by generations including Korea, Vietnam.  
